About Us

FundedBuy is a procurement platform for venture-funded, angel-backed, or high growth companies. We help companies become capital efficient and remain focused on product and growth by providing them with expertly negotiated deals and guidance on all the goods and services they need to grow. 

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Our Mission  

We started FundedBuy as a natural extension of what we love to do: support founders and help companies as they grow into world changing organizations. Our mission is to support your success by helping you make informed, scalable decisions that save you time and money.  

The Problem
We're Solving

We’ve cultivated a well of experience as entrepreneurs, advisors, and investors ourselves. We know it’s easy for new companies to waste countless hours identifying and selecting the precise services they need to build their businesses and infrastructures. In many cases, important things fall through the cracks. Start-ups can get taken advantage of if they lack expertise, connections, negotiating power, or (as is often the case) the time and energy necessary to do all the due diligence and make the smartest choices. Since 2010 FundedBuy has been a trusted resource for companies to find advice, recommendations, price information, access to volume discounts, and the very best customer service to assist with their purchasing and budgeting decisions.

How it Works

FundedBuy provides you with expertly negotiated deals and guidance. We pre-vet and negotiate volume agreements with our vendors and partners to treat all of our companies and portfolios in aggregate - as if they were one large entity. This affords each company much lower rates with much better service than they would achieve if they were to negotiate on their own. The process is simple: when we connect with a company, we get to know the founders, as well as their business and growth plans. From there, we go through our new business “checklist,” to make sure you’re set up with all the essentials you need for your individual business and stage of development. If you’re missing key ingredients, or if you’re unhappy with your current set-up, we connect you with the right service providers at the best possible price. Sometimes companies come to us with specific needs they have identified and are ready to address. More often than not, we educate founders about everything they need to consider in the first stages of business development and what to prepare for as their businesses grow in the future. If your business need lies outside our connections and expertise, we’re always happy to steer you in the next best direction. 

Zero Cost to You

Our service is totally free to your company. We get paid on the back-end through our vendors. Our value proposition to partners and vendors is this: FundedBuy offers an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the fastest growing companies. And, because these companies are funded by top VCs or angels, they inherently come with huge market potential. Because of this incentive, we ask our partners and venders to provide us their best volume discounts upfront - this includes their very best available pricing, benefits, and services that are unavailable anywhere else - and they do. Our vendors and partners are not only willing to give us their best available prices; they also pay us a bonus or sponsorship to attract the new, valuable customers we bring them, because our service is an investment in their growth. This mutually beneficial business model is how we can offer our service and platform for free.

Getting Started

Are you an angel or venture-backed start-up? Are you a high growth company looking to do an operational analysis? Are you an international business expanding and opening your first U.S. office? Are you an investor looking to offer your portfolio the best resources?  

Please don’t hesitate to reach out; we’d be more than happy to connect with you and see where we can be the most helpful!